Be a community that supports a safe childhood for all

4Kids4Families is a new approach to foster care placement in the Texas Piney Woods.
As a community organization, we partner with community experts to support the well-being of everyone involved, including children, their families, and the foster families who bridge the gap.





Every child longs to be
with their family

Separation carries a cost.

It’s traumatic for both parent and child – and if not handled well, it can perpetuate the very cycle it was meant to heal.

Freedom to restore

However, families can be restored when the right services, therapies, and programs support:

  • Healing from trauma
  • Fewer transitions between placements
  • More stability
  • Academic success

A new approach

4Kids4Families steps in for Region 4. As a community-based model, we’re able to connect parents, children, and foster families with local support systems.

Personalized Path

Local Partnerships

Family Support

Meeting individuals where they are


Every child is seen as the unique person they are with a valuable future who deserves to know what true safety and love looks like.


Every parent separated from their child will be supported with services, therapy, or programs that will help guide them toward being the safe, nurturing parent and community member they want to be.

Foster Parent:

Foster parents and families will be supported by a community of like-minded individuals encouraging them and meeting their needs.


Every child is seen as the unique person they are with a valuable future who deserves to know what true safety and love looks like.


Every parent separated from their child will be supported with services, therapy, or programs that will help guide them toward being the safe, nurturing parent and community member they want to be.

Foster Parent:

Foster parents and families will be supported by a community of like-minded individuals encouraging them and meeting their needs.

Play a part​

Apply to foster

Open your home to a child in need of security, safety, and stability – knowing you have local support and training.

Partner with us

Become a licensed placement agency or community-based service provider.

Donate now​

Donate now to surround a child with a safe, nurturing family that will guide them toward confidence and hope.

Extending safety and security

We want a community where children know true joy, confidence, and love.

We have seen firsthand the transformation that occurs when biological parents, children, and foster parents are understood and supported with the right services, therapies, and programs. That’s why 4Kids4Families is a community-based model for child placement that seeks holistic healing for children and their parents – while supporting the foster families who stand in the gap.

Donate now to surround a child and a family with the support they need.

Reportable Incidents Include:

  • Death of a child
  • Child is in a life-threatening situation
  • A significant change in a child’s medical condition
  • Psychiatric hospitalization
  • A child who is missing from care and placed on the Amber Alert system returns to care
  • Natural disasters where children are displaced
  • Suicide attempts
  • Injuries requiring medical treatment including psychiatric hospitalization
  • Runaway incidents
  • A caregiver/staff member or child contracts a communicable disease
  • Commission of a Crime, including those committed by youth or crimes occur at a home or facility in which youth are placed
  • Allegations of abuse, neglect or abusive treatment
  • A child’s abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
  • Allegation and/or confirmed child-on-child physical and/or sexual abuse.